Go To Eleven

Level Up Your Sound

Go To Eleven is the collaborative name for three young freelance audio technicians & musicians. We aim to use our technical experience for more than simply amplifying or recording sound, and instead focus on helping the artist, the performance or the event impact an audience in the best possible way.
The result is tailor made sound - an experience designed by our artists and customers, with our help, both live and recorded.

So go to eleven, and level up your sound.


We met in college...

Our mutual friends Kylla and Miki set us up originally, thinking we'd be perfect for each other. After our first date, we both decided we weren't interested! But several months later we happened to go on the same group camping trip, and saw each other in a new light. We fell in love. And we can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together.


All photography provided by Lear Miller.